Saturday, April 23, 2016

Snap Box

RBM has a new short story, "Snap Box," in the current issue of Drunken Boat. An excerpt:
But this too is probably a false picture. This town, like Isabel and maybe Aurelia, shares its name with debutantes—the daughters of Percy, the transcontinental tycoon. In pictures, Percy A. Rockefeller’s thick jowls and small worried eyes remind you of a picture book. Right there on the shelf in the TV room: Percy the Small Engine (1956), about a shape-shifting locomotive who sometimes prefers the look of a green caterpillar with red stripes. ¶ What has become of your daughters? The question ripples in the heat. The caterpillar rears above the wasteland.
For more fiction from DB23, and statistics coinciding with the 2015 VIDA Count, see fiction editor Sybil Baker's introduction to the issue. And don't miss the moving DB23 folio on homelessness.