Monday, June 23, 2008

Quito + Otavalo + Riobamba + Cuenca

By R.B. Moreno

After bussing through Peru and Ecuador, my sister and I recently found ourselves booking airfare to Cartagena, our final stop, due to fuel strikes that crippled ground service to the Colombian border. Asked when service might be restored, an agent with the bus line Panamerica in Quito shrugged and held up notes from a conversation with his Colombian contact: '2-3 dias,' read the scrap of paper.

(Almost) the Middle of the World

Above you'll find photos from stops along Ecuador's portion of the Pan-American highway, which narrows to a single dirt track in the highlands. There's also a tour of Mitad del Mundo, Ecuador's monument to the equator that doesn't actually sit on the equator.

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